Innovative Water
Solutions for Africa

Transforming contaminated water into safe drinking water with solar-powered technology for off-grid communities across Africa.
People served every day 0
Installed water production capacity per day 0 Liter
solar fields new
communal solutions

Communal Solutions

Municipal pipe networks can be supplied without any problems and the required line pressure can be maintained.

remote areas

Remote Area Solutions

For remote areas, containerized water systems with solar roofs offer a durable, cost-effective and practical solution.

salty water

Desalination Solutions

Salt water can be converted into fresh water using a purely solar or hybrid-powered desalination system.

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The Water is usable for

  • Drinking
  • Irrigation
  • Aqua Farming
  • Sanitation
water tower in the sand

Fresh Water can be made from

  • Sea water
  • Brakish water
  • Polluted water
  • River/Lake water
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